时代在进步科技在发展,我们的生活与多年前相比也发生了巨大变化。请你以Our life has changed a lot为题

2023-07-26 11:53发布

Our Life Has Changed A Lot The world is always changing.In the past few years,ou

Our Life Has Changed A Lot The world is always changing.In the past few years,ou
2023-07-26 12:23 .采纳回答
Our Life Has Changed A Lot
The world is always changing.In the past few years,our life has changeda lot.We had little to eat before but now we have much delicious food for our meals.We used to live in the houses in poor conditions,but now we live in big and beautiful ones.We had few clothes to wear in the past but now we have many beautiful clothes.We had to cycle when going out in the past,but today we go out in our cars.
Why have our life changed so much? I think it is due to the development of science and technology.
