
2023-07-27 10:09发布

量化交易范围很大,从交易类型看,我们认为大部分市场上运行的策略都可以分类为多因子阿尔法策略、趋势跟踪策略和套利策略。我们主要专注于商品期货市场的趋势跟踪和统计套利策略的学术研究和实务量化交易工作,从前沿学术论文寻找交易策略Idea是一个途径,许多量化交易类学术论文的作者本身就是交易员,如AQR、JPM、JCM、JFM等量化交易和商品期货类学术杂志有很多这方面文献。本期开始,我们定期贴出近期团队在学习、FOLLOW和改造用于仿真及实盘交易的学术论文,并配以学习笔记。本期我们学习一篇高频统计套利的论文,这篇论文发表在SCI一区杂志《Expert Systems with Applications》。

1 统计套利:《Enhancing a Pairs Trading strategy with the application of Machine Learning》

原文摘要:Abstract—Pairs Trading is one of the most valuable marketneutral strategies used by hedge funds. It is particularly interesting as it overcomes the arduous process of valuing securities by focusing on relative pricing. By buying a relatively undervalued security and selling a relatively overvalued one, a profit can be made upon the pair’s price convergence. However, with the growing availability of data, it became increasingly harder to find rewarding pairs. In this work we address two problems: (i) how to find profitable pairs while constraining the search space and (ii) how to avoid long decline periods due to prolonged divergent pairs. To manage these difficulties, the application of promising Machine Learning techniques is investigated in detail. We propose the integration of an Unsupervised Learning algorithm, OPTICS, to handle problem (i). The results obtained demonstrate the suggested technique can outperform the common pairs’ search methods, achieving an average portfolio Sharpe ratio of 3.79, in comparison to 3.58 and 2.59 obtained by standard approaches. For problem (ii), we introduce a forecasting-based trading model, capable of reducing the periods of portfolio decline by 75%. Yet, this comes at the expense of decreasing overall profitability. The proposed strategy is tested using an ARMA model, an LSTM and an LSTM Encoder-Decoder. This work’s results are simulated during varying periods between January 2009 and December 2018, using 5-minutes price data from a group of 208 commoditylinked ETFs, and accounting for transaction costs.


